No one else teaches my fastest, easiest way to rig a character in Cartoon Animator, using a single character image. In less than an hour you'll have a simple, but versatile character that I'll show you how to animate in your first 2D cartoon right away, for FREE!
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Certified Reallusion Trainer, David Arandle (TET), a.k.a. The Lazy Animator, teaches how to get the most out of Cartoon Animator so you can enjoy bringing your characters and stories to life with the least effort.
The Lazy Animator
David Arandle (TET)
Zeus Greek
Also included, bonus Santa and Grinch sprite graphics, vertical backgrounds, and voice samples you can use to practice your skills and use in your end of year holiday themed projects.
Everything you need to make fun YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook Shorts. Practice your rigging and animation skills by sending fun holiday messages to family and friends!
Need a free Santa or Grinch AI voice? Voice samples included with this pack were created with Podcastle's free text to speech (Affiliate link), AI Santa and Grinch voices.
AI Website Builder